Thursday, February 17, 2011

Action Research Form


  1. My Action Research will be an inquiry into how outdoor field investigations affect students perspective on ecology.

    1. My action research will be an inquiry into how to create an atmosphere that will support Parent Involvment at a critial time in my district.

    2. My action reserach project also will involve parent involvment but will focus on the paretns of LEPS and low socioeconomic parents and students. i think this is important because reserach shows that these students are not as succesful as the students from a higher economic area.

  2. My Action Research plan will be an inquiry into the pros and cons of School Uniforms.

    1. I think you will find plenty of informantion on this topic. Many school are adapting uniforms for many different reasons.

    2. I am not really a fan of the school uniforms. My district has been in uniforms for a short while now, and I think that it is taking away from the kids' identities to have to look like everyone else.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. My Action Research plan will involve an inquiry on how to create a culture of kindness and compassion to combat bullying and ally feelings of isolation and despair.

  5. My action research plan is:
    Parental Involvement through technology: What actions can our faculty take to improve parental involvement everyday by means of technology such as blogs, youtube, facebook, twitter, wiki, and school websites?

  6. For my project, I want to reserach the effectiveness of pull out tutoring during the school day. I would like to know how many kids actually improved and how many were still retained or attended summer school. I would also like to look at what other districts are doing for this sort of tutoring.

    1. On our campus only our lowest 4 to 5 students in the grade level can be pulled out for 1:1 tutoring. I see dramatic growth from these students in a short period of time. I only wish that more students could be pulled out.

    2. Tutorial pull outs work wonders. When I taught third grade in Alief, TX each student was tested to see what reading level they were on. If they were reading below a certain level they were considered struggling students. Each day those students were pulled out of class to work in small groups. I had about 5 students from my class alone. When TAKS time came around some of those students were still not reading on the level that we expected but they knew the strategies. Each one of them passed the TAKS test and two were commended. I wish every school would invest in tutors or other forms of interventions. It works!

  7. My action research plan is:

    Project based learning using technology: I want to know if project based learning is beneficial to all students? Do students miss the basics and foundation when dealing with the big picture of project based learning? What can teachers do to minimize learning gaps, and also making sure students are challenged and engaged?

  8. My Action Research Plan is After School Programs Increasing School Attendance Rating.

  9. My action research plan is is look at the effectiveness of intervention on our campus and through the use of Professional Learning Communities build common assessments to be used assess current student achievement and from there determine the intervention to take place. I will be apart of a task force to work on intervention on our campus.

  10. For my action research project, I would like to examine the levels student, and parent, involvement in classroom activities of a different type. The two different types of classrooms would be a traditional, non-technologically focused classroom (ie. Power Points, Textbook Work, Worksheets, etc.). The other classroom would be a technologically advanced classroom where students were encouraged to use all forms of technology available to them (ie. Ipads, Classroom Computers, Blogging, Podcasts, etc.). To complete this research, two different classes would have to be monitored. The evidence would be in the amount of participation by each student on various assignments, test scores per unit, and ability to understand the material learned during a specific time period.

  11. My action research plan is to examine the best way to introduce administrative change to a campus and allow new ideas to be accepted.

    1. I am really interested in learning your plan's progress.
      If you have time, please visit my blog at lethivanhoa/ Thank You & Good Luck!

  12. The purpose of my proposed action research study is to see if there is a correlation between students that are and students that are not involved in extra curricular / co-curricular activities with their attendance, drop out rate, tardies, and discipline referrals throughout the school year.

    1. This is a not a new idea and reserach abounds in this area BUT i love it!!!! Every campus is different and every community has its own culture so research should be conducted in your own area to see your own results instead of listening to reasearch that is done on campuses that may be nothing like your on... :) Good luck

  13. I changed my action research plan a little. After discussing with my site mentor-she really wanted me to do it a little different. She wants to use the results to help guide professional development offered at the school. Ofcourse I will be facilitating them:) I resubmitted the form today on the googledoc form.

  14. I'm really confused! How do I get people to follow my blog?? I just put a basic topic for this information for my blog...I think I did it incorrectly.

    1. Don't feel're not the only one.
      I will be happy to follow your blog.
      I have been making contacts on my own by letting people know that my link is lethivanhos/ so they can view and respond to my action research plan. You might want to do the same. Anyone out there can give me some support by commenting on my plan would be much appreciated! Have a great weekend :)

    2. Hey. I guess you have this resolved. But just in case for others that are not sure they just click on your name to get access to your blog. Unless you made it private, I believe by default it is set as public.

    3. Well, If anyone gets a chance please comment on my blog as well. It is

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. It is chalenging working with our LEPS students deal with it everyday. I know Telpas is comming in this month. The best of luck in this change.

  16. For my action research project, I would like to research teacher interventions. I would like to investegate the interventions that yield the best results, but would also like to see waht legally is required for a teacher and when is it considered that they have exhausted all resources.

    1. This is an excellent topic. As a teacher we never now how much is enough when trying to save and reach every child. How many resources should be allocated and when is enough enough.... i like this topic.... Good luck!

    2. This seems to be very interesting topic, currently at my campus we spend 45 min every day doing interventions, some days I feel like a waste of time.

  17. My Action Research Project: In my campus we have over 7 instructors using Second Life and other such platforms. That is just a handful. In other institutions it is comparitively the same. I’ve read several articles that say such platforms are the direction of learning in higher ed. What I am curious to know is why there hasn’t been an increase to move to such platforms. The proposed problem would be: At the University of Texas- Pan American there is not a wide acceptance/use of Second Life and other such 3 Dimensional Multi-User Virtual Environments in Online Learning. What are the current perceptions of our faculty in regards to MUVE’s both current users and nonusers? By looking at current published articles of other institutions and receiving feedback from a number of faculty within my institution I can better determine what roadblocks (technical & or mental), attitudes, resources/information need to be addressed to increase the usage and motivation towards MUVE’s. I believe this area is of great importance because it will help developers, like myself, as well as administrators in knowing how to better serve our faculty in using MUVE’s so that they can better engage our digital natives. It will also provide a resource to our faculty to remove the misconceptions and provide the information needed to better understand and use MUVE’s.

  18. My action reserach topic will be about getting the more parent involvment. I hope to participate in the yealry parent fair and try t o reach the LEP parents and help them with culture, social, and the school environemnt.

  19. I like your idea I think it will make a great research since we know all it takes to work with LEPS.

  20. I am currently working with LEP students and one of the problem I see and would be worth to do research inquiry would be to find out why in our Hispanic population education is not the first priority in many family's. Once the student turns 16 year old many of them do not think about graduating from high school or even think to go to college. I truly believe that me as an educator have some influence in our new generations and teach them the importance of education.

  21. I'm looking at my action research plan to be over "the role parental involvement plays in education today". I plan on researching how does it affect students learning, academic success, and does it make a difference when it comes to standardized testing. My principal suggested that I add in, the level of support at home for students' education, and the highest level of education completed at home. He felt that would really open up some eyes in our school district as we continue to move forward educating one child at a time.

  22. An area of interest to me is the implementation and effectiveness of our daily team/grade level meetings. Our school is a T-STEM academy that has about 100 students per grade level for grades 9-12. Each day, the teachers have a meeting for the grade level that they teach. We have a specific structure to follow with a daily agenda to follow. Lately, there has been a feeling of ineffectiveness in these grade level meetings. Some teachers have proposed implementing more of a PLC format to our meetings which would include adding department meetings and vertical teaming to our grade level meetings. I spoke to my site supervisor about changing our grade level meetings to add the other aspects of a PLC and we have tentatively planned to implement a revised meeting structure and agendas next school year. Among the teachers, there are mixed feelings about the change in our daily meetings. Some subjects like science and history feel that incorporating vertical teaming would not benefit them since their subjects vary widely from year to year. Other teachers of math and english feel that they would benefit greatly from having vertical teaming since their subjects rely heavily on the previous year's knowledge. I would like to assess the effectiveness of our new meeting structure and agendas in reference to our newly laid objectives and anticipated outcomes.

  23. I really am interested in finding out if e-books would be more efficient, beneficial, and economical to use over text books, but this topic is a much bigger project than I could undertake. In collaboration with my site supervisor and our assistant principal, we decided we would like to try to get a solid lunch detention program in place. My question is, will an isolated, firmly supervised lunch detention reduce attendance in detention and repeat offenders, all the while, providing a better learning environment in the classroom by reducing the number of minor behavior problems that require lunch detention assignment.

    I am looking forward to assessing this and finding out if my hypothesis is correct.

  24. Does anybody know if we have to post in this site for week two? Hope to get an aswer. I don't think so but just in case.

  25. I plan to investigate the "new teacher" mentoring program on our campus. I want to know what improvements can be made to the "new teacher" mentoring program at the high school level so that it is sustainable for the entire school year.

    1. Sounds good... I remember being a new teacher and feeling so alone. I'm sure many others feel that way also.

  26. My action research will be on how to improve tutoring by using technology allowing teachers to divide better the tutoring groups into students that need a personal tutoring and those that can benefit from online or tech involved tutoring

  27. My Action Research Plan is to evaluate the effectiveness of our high school's policy on tardies. The issue of tardiness has been somewhat problematic at our high school and I want to know why. I will review the current policy and procedures to see if there is a more effective method of motivating students to arrive at their classes on time.

  28. My action research plan is to see how attendance affects student success and how parents are held responsible. I will also try to work with my principal to have some type of attendance motivation strategies to get students to come to school daily.

    1. Wow, this is a good one. Reading all these posts are helping me realize the amount of work we need to do to improve education.

  29. Please share a problem or curiosity of particular interest to you as an administrator: one that you believe would benefit from an action research investigation.

    Why is a problem of critical importance.
    How you believe an action research study would be beneficial in solving this particular problem, or addressing this curiosity.

    With many areas of education that needs attention, there is one that can benefit from an action research plan. Working as an aspiring administrator the over representation of African American males students in special education is a concern. This is important why? African American students are given disability such as Learning Disable, Emotional Disable and etc,, at an early age and never dismiss. I would like to dig deeper to understand why the amount these students are being place in special education and not being dismiss? What can be done to help this population become more successful. I think that an action research plan will help identify what can be done and who can help these students become successful in school.

  30. My Action Research Plan is: the benefits of Inclusion for Children with Disabilities in the Early Childhood Classroom.

    1. As an inclusion teacher I can tell you there are several benefits as long as inclusion is done correctly. There are also some downfalls. Good luck with your research.

  31. My action research plan will research student motivation. I hope to effectively improve student motivation at my campus without offering so many tangible incentives. I want our students to be motivated to better themselves throughout life.

    1. Student motivation is a key factor in education today. We are finding more and more ways to teach students, but are they actually motivated to learn. There are many kids who would go from being decent students to great students if they were just motivated. Good luck with your action research.

  32. My action research plan is to help my campus to become a more physically fit campus. I recently attended a workshop discussing ways to help students to be more physically fit. Being a physcial education teacher I figured that would best suit what I do now. It involves getting teachers and administrators involved instead of just students. I want everyone to see the benefits of living a healthy lifestyle.

  33. My action research is based on the remediation of students for EOCs in the subject of math. I will collect all of my data and use it to mold my action plan.

    1. From talking to some of my athletes who are facing EOCs this is a subject that students might be motivated to be involved with. Several of them have been concerned with their potential performance on the test. Your plan sounds great. Good luck.

  34. My action research will on effective motivational techniques for administrators, teachers and students. I am interested in finding out what motivational models fit at my campus through a series of surveys and interviews with teachers, students and administrators.

  35. My action research study will be on researching to find free applications which will be easily assessible by the educator to use as a teaching tool online. This will create a virtual classroom within the classroom and beyond. With the use of interactive study and work sites, the action research data collected will allow the use of technology to fully be embellished by the entire classroom setting which includes educators and students interaction for a virtual setting for the use of a 1:1 iPad campus.
